Our Team
Meet the Pastoral Team!
Lead Pastor
Born and raised in Hamilton ON, Adam and Melanie met at Bible college in 2002, and have been married since 2007. Together they have 3 kids (Cambria, Jack, and Eliot). Over the past 20 years, Adam has Pastored in various environments, from cities in southern Ontario, to the Muskokas, to the middle of the woods in New Brunswick and Northern Ontario. With a core belief in a Gospel so big that it touches every area of our lives, and passion to see the Kingdom of Heaven break through, Adam has had many unique opportunities to travel in the developing world to help rescue lives both practically and spiritually. He’s been known to preach from the Old Testament more than the next person, and has a love for teaching the Bible from Hebraic and Rabbinical perspectives. When Adam isn’t busy with ministry, he can be found making memories with his family, tinkering in his garage, or cuddling on his couch with his bulldogs, Meatball and Opie.
Family Ministries Pastor
Aniesa has a huge passion for others, making sure everyone feels welcomed and heard. She loves equipping others to step out in boldness in their calling and to further God's kingdom. She especially loves seeing the next generation living out what they are learning each week whether that’s at Calvary Kids, Timbers, or The Root. In her spare time she can be found coaching figure skating, spending time outdoors, or playing board games with her husband Ben!
Musical Director
Sijo Sibi is a worship artist, songwriter, music composer, and recording/session artist from Mumbai, India. He has served as a freelance worship artist for the past 10 years in his hometown (Mumbai) - he has played, recorded, and shared stages with numerous well-known worship leaders in India. Sijo’s passion has always been worship with a core vision to bless the Church through music. He believes - “Music is a gift from GOD, for the sole purpose to worship him, praise him and Church should not neglect its importance by considering it as a corporate protocol but as a living sacrifice”. In obedience to the voice of God, he journeyed to Canada in 2020 as a student from Humber College taking Global Business Management, along with serving on the worship team at Calvary for the past two years. In his leisure, you can find him scribbling his thoughts in a journal, making music covers, or taking thrilling road trips.
Kingdom Builder Partners
Village of Hope Malawi
The Walton family is home grown from Calvary Barrie and sent out from the house with the call of God, our blessing and support. They are working in the Southern African country Malawi. In the nation's capital, Lilongwe, they are serving at Village of Hope Malawi (VOH-M) which is one of 8 Villages belonging to the Village of Hope Africa Society (VOH-A). Jef works as the Village Director and while Renatta works as the Administrator.
The mission of VOH-A is to bring lasting hope to children at risk so they can embrace adulthood as independent and contributing members of society. Here is how they do it: VOH-A provides education, nutrition and healthcare to children in need throughout Africa. They also provide shelter for children who have no place to live. Many of the children supported by VOH are enrolled in Child Care Plus, a child sponsorship program dedicated to supporting impoverished children. “As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1)
Calvary Barrie has been supporting Jef & Renatta since 2012
Steve & Christina Stewart
Impact Nations
Steve Stewart is the founder and president of Impact Nations, along side his wife Christina, who is the Director of Journeys of Compassion for Impact Nations International Ministries. She has facilitated Journeys to nearly 20 developing nations in the last 15 years. As a young married man, Steve encountered Christ in 1976; his life immediately and radically changed. Years of church ministry later, in 2003, Steve had an encounter that changed his life’s direction. While flying home from Korea, he sensed the Lord come near to him and asked, “What do you want to do with the rest of your life? I will let you do anything.” Steve’s response was, “If I can do anything, then with the rest of my life I want to rescue lives: spiritually, supernaturally, economically, medically, educationally.”
From that encounter was birthed Impact Nations.